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Carbon Dioxide Facts |
19th September 2011 -
This is a TV ad from Australia about their governments intention to introduce a
carbon dioxide tax.
31,487 American scientists have signed the following petition, including 9,029 with PhDs.
CO2 is Green... and Green is Good! More CO2 in the air means more plant growth. Adding more CO2 to the air also benefits plants in other
ways: A visual example of the benefits described above is portrayed in the figure
right, where the results of growing a common house plant (Devil's Ivy or Golden
Pothos) at about 200 ppm below (left) or 350 ppm above (right) the atmosphere's
current CO2 concentration is shown. As you examine this figure, ask yourself in
which direction would you like to be heading if you were a plant: toward higher
or lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations?
Also watch these videos by Sherwood Idso at the Centre for the Study of CO2
and Climate Change
Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state. It is currently at a globally averaged concentration of approximately 370 parts per million by volume (0.037%) in the Earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide fluctuate slightly with the change of the seasons, driven primarily by seasonal plant growth. Concentrations of carbon dioxide fall during the spring and summer as plants consume the gas, and rise during the autumn and winter as plants go dormant, die and decay. Plants require carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis in order to make sugars which may be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce sugars such as starch, cellulose, proteins and a variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development. To boost plant growth, nurseries often enrich their greenhouse atmospheres with additional CO2 since the low present-day atmospheric concentration of CO2 is just above the "suffocation" level for green plants. A photosynthesis-related drop in carbon dioxide concentration in a greenhouse compartment can kill green plants. Nurseries often raise the concentration of CO2 in greenhouses for several hours to eliminate pests such as whiteflies and spider mites because high concentrations of around 10,000 ppm (1%) is toxic to animal life. Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration by plants and by all animals, fungi and micro-organisms that depend on living and decaying plants for food, either directly or indirectly. Carbon dioxide is generated, amongst other chemical processes, as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels or the burning of vegetable matter. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from volcanoes and other geothermal processes such as hot springs and geysers and by the dissolving of carbonates in rocks. Carbon Dioxide in The Atmosphere. CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is currently approx 370 parts per million by volume (ppmv). This diagram shows 1,000,000 / 370 dots. N2 (nitrogen) is shown green. CO2 = Approx 370 ppmv = <0.004% = 1 part per 2704. N2 = Approx 780840 ppmv = 78% = 2109 parts per 2704. O2 = Approx 209460 ppmv = <21% = 568 parts per 2704. Ar = Approx 9340 ppmv = <1% = 27 parts per 2704. Other = Approx 200 ppmv = 0.002% = <1 part per 2704.
Now! Human activity accounts for <4%, or <1/25th, or <15ppmv, of the total CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere.
So if you multiply the above matrix 25 times, then our contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere is just one
of the red dots in one of the 25 matrices. And this is what we are all supposed to feel guilty about?
Also see this terrific video by Elisa Pardo entitled CO2 Contributed by Human Activity: 12 to 15ppmv What CO2 does in relation to heat energy. Most of the light energy from the sun is emitted in wavelengths shorter than 4,000 nanometers (.000004 meters). When a molecule of carbon dioxide absorbs heat energy, it goes into an excited unstable state. It can become stable again by releasing the energy it absorbed. Some of the released energy will go back to the earth and some will go out into space. So in effect, carbon dioxide lets the light energy in, but doesn't let all of the heat energy out, similar to a greenhouse. However, it only takes a minute amount of CO2 to fully capture the energy at the resonant wavelength, and additional CO2 progressively captures energy that is further and further from the peak wavelength. At the 280ppmv CO2 pre-industrial level, about 95% of the energy that could possibly be captured by CO2 had already been captured. That left only 5% of this limited energy available to be captured after that time. The total greenhouse effect from CO2
is generally stated as 3°C. As the energy capture is logarithmic not linear, the process will never actually end and so it will continue forever. But the effect becomes less and less as time goes on. However, in simple terms, if this 0.15°C increase has used up most of the 5% of the remaining possible energy then there is zero discernable warming possible from further increases in CO2. Or to put it another way (as noted by Kirk Myers, Seminole County Environmental Examiner)
- According to Dr. Pierre Latour, a chemical and process-control engineer, a tripling of CO2 from current levels (approximately 385 parts per million) would not produce any additional warming. In an editorial published in the February 2010 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine, he writes: “CO2 only absorbs and emits specific spectral wavelengths (14.77 microns) that constitute a tiny fraction of solar radiation energy in earth’s atmosphere. The first 50 ppm [parts per million] of CO2 absorbs about half of this tiny energy, [and] each additional 50 ppm absorbs half of the remaining tiny fraction, so at the current 380 ppm, there are almost no absorbable photons left. CO2 could triple to 1,000 ppm, with no additional discernable absorption-emission [warming].” In other words, all the long-wave radiation that can be absorbed by CO2 is eventually absorbed. So no additional warming is possible. The process is analogous to adding blankets to a bed on a cold night. Adding one extra blanket will have a big effect. But adding more and more extra blankets will have a progressively smaller effect until there is not effect at all. Or another way - Carbon dioxide is already absorbing almost all it can! AGW says: The climate models are well aware of the logarithmic absorption curve and use it already. Sceptics say: Climate models are faulty and inadequate estimates. “Lab-warming” does not necessarily translate to planet-warming. Test tubes don’t have ocean currents, glaciers, and clouds. Water vapour dominates the infra-red spectrum, and clouds are notoriously difficult to predict and model; they can also heat or cool (depending on the type of cloud). We’re not even sure if clouds provide positive or negative feedback. (Models assume it’s positive, and this more than doubles carbon’s alleged effect.) AGW says: It’s not close to saturation. Sceptics say: Every CO2 molecule will increase warming by a small amount, ad infinitum, but it has less effect than the CO2 that’s already up there. If adding more CO2 to the sky mattered, we would see it in ice cores and thermometers. We don’t. Carbon’s effect is minor. The sun won’t put out more light just because we put out more carbon. The above graph shows the additional warming effect of each extra 20ppm of
atmospheric CO2. The graphic above shows the mean relative temperature history of the earth blue, cool, red, warm) over the past two millennia - adapted from Loehle and McCulloch (2008) - highlighting the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA), together with a concomitant history of the atmosphere's CO2 concentration (green). The graph shows that during the Medieval Warm Period CO2 concentration was at about 280ppmv and during the Little Ice Age it was still around 280ppmv. So, average temperatures got warmer and later average temperatures got colder and the CO2 level stayed the same. Clearly CO2 did not cause the temperature to rise or fall then so why is it getting the blame now? Greenhouse Theory Disproved a Century Ago The claim that carbon dioxide (CO2) can increase air temperatures by “trapping” infrared radiation (IR) ignores the fact that in 1909 physicist R.W. Wood disproved the popular 19th Century thesis that greenhouses stayed warm by trapping IR. Unfortunately, many people who claim to be scientists are unaware of Wood’s experiment which was originally published in the Philosophical magazine , 1909, vol 17, p319-320. Wood was an expert on IR. His accomplishments included inventing both IR and UV (ultraviolet) photography. Wood constructed two identical small greenhouses. The description implies the type of structure a gardener would refer to as a “coldframe” rather than a building a person could walk into. He lined the interior with black cardboard which would absorb radiation and convert it to heat which would heat the air through conduction. The cardboard would also produce radiation. He covered one greenhouse with a sheet of transparent rock salt and the other with a sheet of glass. The glass would block IR and the rock salt would allow it to pass. During the first run of the experiment the rock salt greenhouse heated faster due to IR from the sun entering it but not the glass greenhouse. He then set up another pane of glass to filter the IR from the sun before the light reached the greenhouses. The result from this run was that the greenhouses both heated to about 50°C with less than a degree difference between the two. Wood didn’t indicate which was warmer or whether there was any difference in the thermal conductivity between the glass sheet and the rock salt. A slight difference in the amount of heat transferred through the sheets by conduction could explain such a minor difference in temperature. The two sheets probably didn’t conduct heat at the same rate. The experiment conclusively demonstrates that greenhouses heat up and stay warm by confining heated air rather than by trapping IR. If trapping IR in an enclosed space doesn’t cause higher air temperature then CO2 in the atmosphere cannot cause higher air temperatures. The heated air in the greenhouses couldn’t rise higher than the sheets that covered the tops of the greenhouses. Heated air outside is free to rise allowing colder air to fall to the ground. Atmospheric CO2 is even less likely to function as a barrier to IR or reflect it back to reheat the ground or water than the sheet of glass in Wood’s greenhouse. The blackened cardboard in Wood’s greenhouses was a very good radiator of IR as is typical of black substances. The water that covers 70% of earth’s surface is a very poor radiator and produces only limited amounts of IR as is typical of transparent substances. Water releases heat through evaporation rather than radiation. The glass sheet provided a solid barrier to IR. Atmospheric CO2 is widely dispersed comprising less than 400 parts per million in the atmosphere. Trapping IR with CO2 would be like trying to confine mice with a chain link fence. Glass reflects a wider spectrum of IR than interacts with CO2. The glass sheets reflected IR back toward the floor of the greenhouse. CO2 doesn’t reflect IR. At the time of Wood’s experiment, it was believed that CO2 and other gas molecules became hotter after absorbing IR. Four years later Niels Bohr reported his discovery that the absorption of specific wavelengths of light didn’t cause gas atoms/molecules to become hotter. Instead, the absorption of specific wavelengths of light caused the electrons in an atom/molecule to move to a higher energy state. After absorption of light of a specific wavelength an atom couldn’t absorb additional radiation of that wavelength without first emitting light of that wavelength. (Philosophical Magazine Series 6, Volume 26 July 1913, p. 1-25) Unlike the glass which reflects IR back where it comes from, CO2 molecules emit IR up and sideways as well as down. In the time interval between absorbing and reemitting radiation, CO2 molecules allow IR to pass them by. Glass continuously reflects IR. Those who claim that CO2 molecules in the atmosphere can cause heating by trapping IR have yet to provide any empirical scientific evidence to prove such a physical process exists. The experiment by R.W. Wood demonstrates that even a highly reflective covering cannot cause heating by trapping IR in a confined space. There is no way CO2, which at best only affects a small portion of the IR produced by earth’s surface, can heat the atmosphere by trapping IR. Contrary to the lie repeated in news stories about climate, science doesn’t say that CO2 is causing higher temperatures by trapping IR. Empirical science indicates that no such process exists in this physical universe.
Why Scientists Sometimes Lie.
In science, it is assumed without question that researchers will follow the evidence, with an open mind that is neutral as to the outcome, wherever it leads. One of the founding principles of empirical science is to attempt to falsify every hypothesis and accept only those hypotheses that cannot be refuted. The mark of good science is the willingness to discuss the intelligent criticisms of a hypothesis. A refusal to consider and discuss intelligent criticism based upon facts and logic is the mark of group-think junk science. Unlike other scientific questions, the answer as to whether humans are causing global warming (AGW) has massive political implications for economic and social policy. Scientists are human beings with political and ideological preferences just like the rest of us. If a scientist has a strong preference for a certain political ideology, and that ideology will either be advanced, or inhibited, based on the results of his research, it is reasonable to view his interpretation of the data with an increased level of scepticism. The problem with the “scientific consensus” on global warming is that participants in the debate are not objective. If anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is accepted as real, it will produce wide ranging political and economic changes that have been long advocated by the political left. There will be massive tax increases and much stricter regulation of business. It should therefore be no surprise that almost all non-scientists who are on the political left insist that global warming is real and use it as an indictment of free market capitalism and the traditional western lifestyle based on consumerism. In the same way, almost all non-scientists who are on the political right insist that global warming is nothing more than liberal hysteria. On both sides, their conclusions are not based on an impartial evaluation of the data. Flawed human beings will always tend to interpret information in such a way that it reinforces pre-existing ideological preferences or self interest. Given the huge amounts of funding involved, professional standing in academia and personal political preferences, it would be foolish to assume that scientists are not subject to the same failing. The burden of proof lies with those who claim that CO2 gas has a greenhouse effect. They have presented no understandable mechanism or process that explains how CO2 gas in the atmosphere increases heat on earth. If we receive evasions instead of answers and explanations from scientists on this crucial question, we have a right to conclude that global warming theory does not make sense, and we can consign it to the accumulating heap of junk science, along with the discarded theory of global cooling of thirty years ago. It would, of course, be unwise to claim that scientists who support anthropogenic global warming are wrong. But, surely, it would also be unwise to massively reorder our society based on interpretations of extraordinarily complex data conducted by people who are not neutral as to the result. When scientists who believe in global warming stop calling colleagues who disagree with them “Flat Earthers” and “Neanderthals”, or insist that “the debate is over” and therefore it is illegitimate to question them, then perhaps we should be willing to listen to their arguments. Not until then. What You Can(‘t) Do About Global Warming. http://www.worldclimatereport.com/index.php/2009/04/30/what-you-cant-do-about-global-warming/#more-376 We are always hearing about ways that you can “save the planet” from the perils of global warming, from riding your bicycle to work, to supporting the latest national greenhouse gas restriction limitations, and everything in between. In virtually each and every case, advocates of these measures provide you with the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) that will be saved by the particular action. And if you want to figure this out for yourself, the web is full of CO2 calculators (just Google “CO2 calculator”) which allow you to calculate your carbon footprint and how much it can be reduced by taking various conservations steps, all with an eye towards reducing global warming. However, in absolutely zero of these cases are you told, or can you calculate, how much impact you are going to have on the actual climate itself. After all, CO2 emissions are not climate—they are gases. Climate is temperature and precipitation and storms and winds, etc. If the goal of the actions is to prevent global warming, then you shouldn’t really care a hoot about the amount of CO2 emissions that you are reducing, but instead, you want to know how much of the planet you are saving. How much anthropogenic climate change is being prevented by unplugging your cell phone charger, from biking to the park, or from slashing national carbon dioxide emissions? Why do none of the CO2 calculators give you that most valuable piece of information? Why don’t the politicians, and/or greenhouse gas reduction advocates tell you the bottom line? How much global warming are we avoiding? Embarrassingly for them, this information is readily available. After all, what do you think climate models do? Simply, they take greenhouse gas emissions scenarios and project the future climate thus providing precisely the answer we are looking for. You tweak the scenarios to account for your emission savings, run the models, and you get your answer. Since climate model projections of the future climate are what are being used to attempt to scare us into action, climate models should very well be used to tell us how much of the scary future we are going to avoid by taking the suggested/legislated/regulated actions. So where are the answers? OK, so full-fledged climate models are very expensive tools. They are extremely complex computer programs that take weeks to run on the world’s fastest supercomputers. So, consequently, they don’t lend themselves to web calculators. But, you would think that in considering our national energy plan to regulate CO2, that this would be of enough import to deserve a couple of climate model runs to determine the final result. Otherwise, how can politicians fairly what it is they are considering doing? Again, if the goal is to change the future course of climate to avoid the potential negative consequences of global warming, then to what degree is the plan that they are proposing going to be successful? Can it deliver the desired results? The worlds public deserve to know. In lieu of full-out climate models, there are some “pocket” climate models that run on your desktop computer in a matter of seconds and which are designed to emulate the large-scale output from the complex general circulation models. One of best of these “pocket” models is the Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change, or MAGICC. Various versions of MAGICC have been used for years to simulate climate model output for a fraction of the cost. In fact, the latest version of MAGICC was developed under a grant from the EPA. Just like a full climate model, MAGICC takes in greenhouse gas emissions scenarios and outputs such quantities as the projected global average temperature. Just the thing we are looking for. It would only take a bit of technical savvy to configure the web-based CO2 calculators so that they interfaced with MAGICC and produced a global temperature savings based upon the emissions savings. Yet not one has seemed fit to do so. If you are interested in attempting to do so yourself, MAGICC is available at http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/wigley/magicc/index.html As a last resort, for those of us who don’t have general circulation models, supercomputers, or even much technical savvy of our own, it is still possible, in a rough, back-of-the-envelope sort of way, to come up with a simple conversion from CO2 emissions to global temperatures. This way, what our politicians and favourite global warming alarmists won’t tell us, we can figure out for ourselves. Here’s how. We need to go from emissions of greenhouse gases, to atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, to global temperatures. We’ll determine how much CO2 emissions are required to change the atmospheric concentration of CO2 by 1 part per million (ppm), then we’ll figure out how many ppms of CO2 it takes to raise the global temperature 1ºC. Then, we’ll have our answer. So first things first. Figure 1 shows the total global emissions of CO2 (in units of million metric tons, mmt) each year from 1958-2006 as well as the annual change in atmospheric CO2 content (in ppm) during the same period. Notice that CO2 emissions are rising, as is the annual change in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Figure 1. (top) Annual global total carbon dioxide emissions (mmt), 1958-2006; (bottom) Year-to-year change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppm), 1959-2006. (Data source: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/) If we divide the annual emissions by the annual concentration change, we get Figure 2 i.e. the amount of emissions required to raise the atmospheric concentration by 1 ppm. Notice that there is no trend at all through the data in Figure 2. This means that the average amount of CO2 emissions required to change the atmospheric concentration by a unit amount has stayed constant over time. This average value in Figure 2 is 15,678mmtCO2/ppm. Figure 2. Annual CO2 emissions responsible for a 1 ppm change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Figure 1a divided by Figure 1b), 1959-2006. The blue horizontal line is the 1959-2006 average, the red horizontal line is the average excluding the volcano-influenced years of 1964, 1982, and 1992. You may wonder about the two large spikes in Figure 2 indicating that in those years, the emissions did not result in much of change in the atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It turns out that the spikes, in 1964 and 1992 (and a smaller one in 1982), are the result of large volcanic eruptions. The eruptions cooled the earth by blocking solar radiation and making it more diffuse, which has the duel effect of increasing the CO2 uptake by oceans and increasing the CO2 uptake by photosynthesis, both effects serving to offset the effect of the added emissions and resulting in little change in the atmospheric concentrations. As the volcanic effects attenuated in the following year, the CO2 concentrations then responded to emissions as expected. Since volcanic eruptions are more the exception than the norm, we should remove them from our analysis. In doing so, the average amount of CO2 emissions that lead to an atmospheric increase of 1 ppm drops from 15,678 (the blue line in Figure 2), to 14,138mmt CO2 (red line in Figure 2). Now, we need to know how many ppms of CO2 it takes to raise the global temperature a degree Celsius. This is a bit trickier, because this value is generally not thought to be constant, but instead to decrease with increasing concentrations. But, for our purposes, we can consider it to be constant and still be in the ballpark. But what is that value? We can try to determine it from observations. Over the past 150 years or so, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased about 100 ppm, from ~280ppm to ~380ppm, and global temperatures have risen about 0.8ºC over the same time. Dividing the concentration change by the temperature change (100ppm/0.8ºC) produces the answer that it takes 125ppm to raise the global temperature 1ºC. Now, it is possible that some of the observed temperature rise has occurred as a result of changes other than CO2 (say, solar, for instance). But it is also possible that the full effect of the temperature change resulting from the CO2 changes has not yet been manifest. So, rather than nit-pick here, we’ll call those two things a wash and go with 125ppm/ºC as a reasonable value as determined from observations. We can also try to determine it from models. Climate models run with only CO2 increases produce about 1.8C of warming at the time of a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. A doubling is usually taken to be a change of about 280ppm. So, we have 280ppm divided by 1.8ºC equals 156ppm/ºC. But, the warming is not fully realized by the time of doubling, and the models go on to produce a total warming of about 3ºC for the same 280ppm rise. This gives us, 280ppm divided by 3ºC which equals 93ppm/ºC. The degree to which the models have things exactly right is highly debatable, but close to the middle of all of this is that 125ppm/ºC number again, the same that we get from observations. So both observations and models give us a similar number, within a range of loose assumptions. Now we have what we need. It takes ~14,138mmt of CO2 emissions to raise the atmospheric CO2 concentration by ~1 ppm and it takes ~125 ppm to raise the global temperature ~1ºC. So multiplying ~14,138mmt/pmm by ~125ppm/ºC gives us ~1,767,250mmt/ºC. That’s our magic number :- 1,767,250. Write that number down on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet or post it on your computer. This is a handy-dandy and powerful piece of information to have, because now, whenever you are presented with an emissions savings that some action to save the planet from global warming is supposed to produce, you can actually see how much of a difference it will really make. Just take the emissions savings (in units of mmt [million metric tons] of CO2) and divide it by 1,767,250. He pointed out that overweight people ate more protein-rich food such as beef or lamb, which was responsible for producing greenhouse gases because of the methane emitted by livestock. He also said obese people were more likely to use cars rather than walk or cycle, therefore producing more carbon emissions. The former Green Party politician, who previously caused controversy by suggesting that people should not have more than two children to prevent over-population, said the Government should be encouraging overweight people to lose weight not only to improve their health but to help the environment. Just for fun, let’s see what we get when we apply this to a few save-the-world suggestions. According to NativeEnergy.com (in association with Al Gore’s ClimateCrisis.net), if you stopped driving your average mid-sized car for a year, you’d save about 5.5 metric tons (or 0.0000055 million metric tons, mmt) of CO2 emissions per year. Divide 0.0000055mmtCO2 by 1,767,250 mmt/ºC and you get a number too small to display on my 8-digit calculator (OK, Excel tells me the answer is 0.00000000000311ºC). And, if you send in $84 (£60), NativeEnergy will invest in wind and methane power to offset that amount in case you actually don’t want to give up your car for the year. We’ll let you decide if you think that is worth it. How about something bigger like not only giving up your mid-sized car, but also your SUV and everything else your typical household does that results in carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels. Again, according to NativeEnvergy.com, that would save about 24 metric tons of CO2 (or 0.000024 mmt) per year. Dividing this emissions savings by our handy-dandy converter yields 0.0000000000136ºC/yr. If you lack the fortitude to actually make these sacrifices to prevent one hundred billionth of a degree of warming, for $364 (£260) each year, NativeEnergy.com will offset your guilt. And finally, looking at the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill that is now being considered by U.S. Congress, CO2 emissions from the U.S. in the year 2050 are proposed to be 83% less than they were in 2005. In 2005, U.S. emissions were about 6,000 mmt, so 83% below that would be 1,020mmt or a reduction of 4,980mmtCO2. 4,980 divided by 1,767,250 = 0.0028ºC per year. In other words, even if the entire United States reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 83% below current levels by 2050, it would only amount to a reduction of global warming of less than three-thousandths of a degree C (0.003°C) per year. A number that is scientifically meaningless. And NO! The reduction is not accumulative year on year. Yearly global temperatures would be 0.003°C cooler than they are today and no further reduction would occur. This is the type of information that we should be provided with. And, as we have seen here, it is not that difficult to come by. The fact that we aren’t routinely presented with this data, leads to the inescapable conclusion that it is purposefully being withheld. None of the climate do-gooders want to you know that what they are suggesting/demanding will do no good at all (at least as far as global warming is concerned). So, if you really want to, dust off your bicycle, replace an incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent, or support legislation that will raise your energy bill. Just realise that you will be doing so for reasons other than saving the planet. It is a shame that you have to hear that from us, rather than directly from the folks urging you on (under false pretences). Example. As a matter of interest, how much CO2 does a person of ‘normal’ weight create? That figure is not noted. Is it half of an obese person? A quarter? Why the omission of such important data? Anyway, one billion tons = 1000 million metric tons (mmt). Therefore the temperature saving, if those one billion obese people stopped eating so much, would be :- 1000mmt/1767250ºC = 0.000566ºC or <0.6 of 1,000th of 1ºC. Bring it on! For interest sake, if each human being creates an average of say 2 metric tons of CO2 per year just by being alive and there are 6 billion of us then, if we all died, there would be a reduction in global temperature of :- 2 x 6000mmt/1767250ºC = 0.00679ºC or <0.7 of 100th of 1ºC. Now that’s what I call stopping global warming! But of course the whole thing is a nonsense, because it assumes that anthropogenic CO2 is actually responsible for climate change/global warming, which it isn’t!
Meanwhile. NASA satellite temperature data confirms that atmospheric temperatures have dropped to the lowest values since 1979 when NASA started collecting data. While man-made models guarantee catastrophic global warming due to elevated CO2, recent satellite data show significant and rapid atmospheric cooling. NASA data also shows recent ocean cooling attributed to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Some scientists observe that atmospheric cooling correlates best with decreased solar activity and subsequent cooling of ocean temperatures. They suggest the sun heats the earth, heat is stored and released by the oceans, which moderate weather and atmospheric temperatures. Carbon dioxide, an innocuous gas, which serves as a plant nutrient and occurs in trace amounts (0.04 weight %), so far has an unmeasurable effect on anything but rhetoric of progressive politicians and radical environmentalists. Millions of research dollars hinge on tacit acceptance of the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory. Sceptics with the temerity to question the theory may expect ad-hominem attacks. But recent years have seen a sharp increase in the release of scientific facts and testimonies questioning the theory of man-induced climate change. It is at last clear that there is no consensus of scientists on climate change. Fortunately, the internet has transformed and accelerated information sharing. Inquiring minds have a variety of sources that present new information, none of which documents warming effects due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Many web sites and blogs are interlinked. [i.e. icecap.us, heartland.org, climatescienceinternational.org ]. The explosion of interest in the topic has spawned numerous seminars and books, many attacking the theory. For a theory to be scientific, it must be testable and falsifiable. The theory of global warming is being tested and data proves it is coming up short. Worldwide, thousands of scientists testify to its falsehood, both in theory and practice. Whilst the theory of man-induced global climate change may be a casualty here, the greater casualty is science itself. The scientific community and media have taken the world for a costly ride. The environmental community may have said ‘the sky is falling’ once too often. Trust, in science and scientists, once lost, can take time to restore.
The text above is not all my own work. I have gathered articles from various sources (noted) and re-arranged them to make a whole story. I have occasionally changed the wording to make it more readable but I have not changed any of the data or conclusions. The issues relating to Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) are simple:- The answer to the first question is 'No' and therefore the answer to the second question is 'No'. First of all we need to understand that CO2 forms only 0.037% by volume of the atmosphere and that it is essential
for life on earth. It is not a poison or a pollutant. The scientific evidence is that in past ages there was a much
larger CO2
concentration in the atmosphere and the planet didn't die. Answermethis! Why are we not having a discussion about this? The people of this country should open their minds and seek out all sides of the story and read the increasing flood of scientific research evidence refuting the global warmers non-scientific stance. To put it simply, releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere will not cause global warming. All the rhetoric about our carbon footprint is just a smoke screen to extract more taxes from us and to the eco-loonies aim of driving us all back to pre-Victorian times. I would urge anyone reading these pages to visit the websites linked here and use the information therein to formulate their own opinion of what is happening. Remember one thing. If it’s reported on the BBC then you must question it. The days when the BBC were the bastion of truth are long gone. Any global warming dissenter is quickly removed from the airwaves. You don’t believe me? Just ask David Bellamy. The links on these pages will lead you to discover a whole new world of truth about Climate change. I also would urge you to have a look at the following :- 'Global Warming': An Official Pseudoscience Hysteria’s History: Environmental Alarmism in Context Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate By S. Fred Singer http://www.middlebury.net/op-ed/global-warming-01.html http://mclean.ch/climate/global_warming.htm Google :- Global Warming Comments by John Coleman Google :- The Past and Future of Climate by David Archibald
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